■ 2015/10/31 (六) 好米樂豐收.關山
活動內容: 祈福祭典、收割體驗、客語通關、好玩食客微旅行、
歡聚 HAKKA音樂會
活動時間:10 / 31(六)上午 10 : 00 ~ 下午 14 : 00
活動地點:關山農會米國學校 ( 台東縣關山鎮昌林路24-1號 )
時 間 活 動 內 容
06 : 00 ~ 07 : 00  ■ 萬眾騎福慶豐收 車隊集結出發
09 : 00 ~ 10 : 00  ■ 萬眾騎福慶豐收 車隊到達(關山市區) 活動報到
10 : 00  ■ 活動 open
10 : 00 ~ 10 : 30  ■ 收冬祭開工祭典儀式及禮讚
10 : 30 ~ 10 : 40  ■ 客家禮讚表演
 ■ 長官致詞及貴賓介紹
10 : 40 ~ 11 : 30  ■ 黃金稻浪收割體驗
 ■ 客語薪傳闖關活動
11 : 30 ~ 12 : 00  ■ 伯工祭典食福活動
 ■ 米篩目DIY體驗
12 : 00 ~ 14 : 00  ■ 參與周邊活動、市集
14 : 00  ■ 萬眾騎福慶豐收 車隊歸程
週 邊 活 動
16 : 30 ~ 1 8 : 00

 ■ 收冬客家宴&歡慶豐收音樂會

10 : 00 ~ 14 : 00  ■ 客家好米文創市集

【Activity Series I】《Guanshan》

A. Traditional winter rice harvest rites

1. Description :

In Hakka communities, the rice harvest is a major event. Hakka rice farmers prepare food offerings to worship the local land god and to pray for favorable weather for the start of the harvest. This year, the traditional rites to mark the start of the harvest will be held at the Rice School in Guanshan with fields of golden rice spikes serving as the backdrop. Hakka language masters have been invited to lead children in performing the duties of Hakka priests during these rites.

2. Date : October 31, 2015 ( Saturday )

3. Time : 10 : 00 ~ 10 : 30
4. Location : Rice School, Guanshan Farmers Association
B. Rice harvesting experience

1. Description :

Local rice growing experts will be invited to lead the public in carrying out traditional farming activities, such as rice harvesting, threshing, bundling of rice straw and DIY rice milling. These activities were designed to allow people from urban areas to experience walking barefoot in a rice paddy and the intense amount of effort that is required to harvest rice. Through this hands-on educational opportunity, the objectives of urban and rural exchanges are fulfilled. Following the harvest activities, participants enjoy a banquet of Hakka dishes. These activities are meant to increase appreciation for traditional Hakka harvesting, farming and food culture. In the stage area, activities that emphasize the spirit and meaning of the Hakka winter rice harvest opera and a Hakka concert with performances by Hakka singers and bands are suggested.

2. Date : October 31, 2015 ( Saturday )

3. Time : 10 : 40 ~ 11 : 30
4. Location : Rice School, Guanshan Farmers Association
C. Cycling in celebration of the harvest

1. Description :

In recent years, cycling has increased in popularity in Taiwan. In addition to improving physical fitness, cycling allows for the leisurely enjoyment of the surrounding scenery. It is suggested that a "one-day Hakka lifestyle experiential camp" be organized in coordination with the Taitung Cycling Association. Participants explore rural landscapes on bicycle in addition to participating in Hakka traditional rites and farming activities.
This activity is designed to appeal to recreational cycling enthusiasts and families. Qualified persons will be invited to lead this tour. Registered participants can enjoy a bicycle ride along picturesque County Road 197, stopping at the Dianguang Community of Guanshan Town to explore a traditional Hakka earthen structure and then heading to the Rice School to enjoy rice harvesting activities and an authentic Hakka rice harvest banquet. This activity is expected to provide an in-depth look at the local culture and scenery, promote Hakka tourism in the rift valley and build a better understanding of the Hakka culture among the public.

2. Date : October 31, 2015 ( Saturday )

3. Time : 6 : 00 ~ 14 : 00
4. Location : Rice School, Guanshan Farmers Association
Hakka winter rice harvest festival banquet

1. Description :

The Hakka people are known for being hardworking, frugal and down-to-earth. Usually, they eat very simply. It is only during the winter rice harvest that they prepare fine dishes and delicacies to share with family members and friends. Banquets are held to thank the land god and to celebrate the harvest and the end of a year of hard work. Last year was the first time that the Hakka winter rice harvest festival banquet was held and innovative Hakka cuisine was introduced. The feedback was very positive. This year, it is suggested that this activity be expanded. The location should be Guanshan Town as it possesses the largest number of Hakka restaurants in Taitung County. Restaurants from neighboring townships can be invited to serve specialty Hakka dishes to jointly promote the "Hakka winter rice harvest festival banquet".

2. Date : October 31, 2015 ( Saturday )

3. Time : 16 : 30 ~ 18 : 00
4. Location : Rice School, Guanshan Farmers Association