■ 2015/11/08(日)收冬玩客庄.池上
活動內容: 第四屆臺東好米盃伯朗大道馬拉松、扛米包趣味接力賽(線上報名)、搏杯樂祈福大賽(現場報名) 、歡聚HAKKA音樂會、
活動時間:11 / 08(日)上午 07 : 00 ~ 下午 14 : 00
活動地點:臺東縣客家文化園區 ( 台東縣池上鄉興光路1號 )
時 間 活 動 內 容
06 : 30 ~ 07 : 00  ■ 選手報到
07 : 00 ~ 08 : 00  ■ 馬拉松各組鳴槍出發
08 : 00 ~ 09 : 00  ■ 舞台彩排
09 : 00 ~ 09 : 15  ■ 開場表演
09 : 15 ~ 09 : 30  ■ 舞台區 OPEN 長官致詞及貴賓介紹
09 : 30 ~ 09 : 45  ■ 公益捐贈見證儀式
09 : 45 ~ 11 : 00  ■ 歡慶豐收音樂會
 ■ 搏杯樂祈福大賽 ( 10 : 00 ~ 11 : 00 )
11 : 00 ~ 12 : 00  ■ 馬拉松頒獎典禮
 ■ 街舞啦啦隊表演
週 邊 活 動
10 : 30 ~ 13 : 30  ■ 客家好煮藝 親子炊飯大賽
10 : 00 ~ 14 : 00  ■ 客家生活學堂 ( 客語闖關活動 )
 ■ 客家好米文創市集
2015好米盃伯朗大道公益馬拉松賽 擲茭大賽 扛米包接力賽
Activity Series II】《Chishang》
A. 2015 The 4th Brown Boulevard, Chishang Marathon

1. Description :

Since 2012, the "Rice Cup Brown Boulevard International Marathon" has been held. The race course passes through beautiful rift valley scenery and is complemented by charity and rice themes. Participants donate NT$1 for every kilometer they run and the starting gun is the popping of rice. There has been very positive feedback with the number of registrants increasing each year. It is suggested that this momentum be built on by organizing The 4th Taitung Rice Cup Marathon. It is also suggested that this marathon be handled by the Taitung County Hakka Museum. In this way, traditional culture can complement a major sporting event. This echoes the current trends in cultural festivals and activities to include diverse aspects such as fitness, arts and culture, nature and tourism. This event promotes Hakka culture and attracts a large number of participants and spectators. Moreover, it motivates the public to participate in outdoor activities and increases exposure and positive image for the organizers, creating a win-win situation.

2. Date : November 8, 2015 ( Sunday )

3. Time : 6 : 00 ~ 14 : 00
4. Locations : Brown Boulevard and surrounding roads in Chishang Township, Taitung County Hakka Museum
B. Divination block activity

1. Description :

The winter rice harvest festival was not only a time to honor the land god, but also a time for entertainment and social activities. To complement the land god worship rites, a competition using traditional wooden divination blocks is to be organized. The general public can register on site to try their luck at throwing divination blocks. Prizes will be made available. The grand prize will be three kilograms or one year's worth of Chishang rice. In addition, the Taitung rice creative and cultural industries market will be set up. This will be part of a comprehensive effort to encourage the public to experience Hakka culture by participating in fun activities, eat Hakka food and purchase Hakka products.

2. Date : November 8, 2015 ( Sunday )

3. Time : 10 : 00 ~ 12 : 00
4. Location : Taitung County Hakka Museum
C. Hakka cuisine outdoor cooking competition

1. Description :
In early times, cooking was done over a wood fire. This was the most basic food culture. To provide the workers who were harvesting the rice with lunch, busy Hakka women would quickly prepare a meal in the fields. To modern people, this is an admirable skill. In Taitung's rift valley, the rice that is produced is fragrant and tasty. To promote Taitung rice and to differentiate from other cooking competitions, it is suggested that the campground next to the Taitung County Hakka Museum serve as the location for an outdoor cooking competition. Before this competition, lectures on various forms of outdoor cooking and demonstrations of traditional Hakka cooking can be organized. This competition is expected to provide participants with an understanding of the difficulties of early farm life.

2. Date : November 8, 2015 ( Sunday )
3. Time : 10 : 00 ~ 13 : 30
4. Eligibility : General public (advance registration required)
Hakka community mini-tours

1. Description :

To effectively promote Taitung County's Hakka culture, it is suggested that the popular Hakka community exploration mini-tours of the past two years be continued. In addition to visits to the many cultural attractions in Taitung and the opportunity to learn about the two important Hakka grown crops, tea and rice, this year the itinerary will include visits to Hakka families. This will allow participants to enjoy Hakka hospitality and to interact with local Hakka people, as well as to experience Hakka community life and the beauty of Hakka culture.

2. Online registration dates : October 1~October 20, 2015
3. Activity dates :
    First session : October 31, 2015 (Saturday)

    Second session : November 1, 2015 ( Sunday )
4. Eligibility : General public / tourists